Do Movers Take Bags? An Expert's Guide

Moving companies are willing to transport almost anything, as long as it is not illegal or a security risk. Before you start packing, ask your local movers if they offer free loan clothes or cheap rental cloakrooms. You can't do it all yourself, so if a friend offers to help or you've hired a moving company and they have free time to lend a hand to unpack, give them an area in the to concentrate or a task that will help you reach the goal. The last thing your moving company wants to do is carry 100 small boxes of different sizes, which cannot be stacked on a moving truck.

It is much more efficient for your move if everything is neatly packed in boxes, but they can sometimes agree to move items packed in garbage bags. Labeling the boxes will make it easier for you when it's time to unpack. People who move can agree to move garbage bags packed with soft and light items that cannot break or damage other items during relocation (sheets, pillows, blankets, duvets, curtains, tablecloths, towels, cheap clothes, stuffed animals, etc.). So does everything have to be in boxes for those moving? In general, yes, although there may be some exceptions.

When customers do their own packaging, carriers usually carry the items packed in garbage bags (as long as it is a short distance movement, the items in the bags are not breakable and the bags are not too full), but they will not be liable for any damage. A box that is too heavy can compromise the integrity and stability of the box when transporting it and can cause injury to carriers attempting to lift it. Moving can be a stressful experience but with the right preparation and knowledge of what your movers will and won't take, you can make sure your move goes as smoothly as possible. Make sure you know what items are allowed in garbage bags, how heavy your boxes should be and what other tips and tricks you need to know before you start packing.