Moving to a new home can be an exciting experience, but it can also be overwhelming. To make the process easier, it's important to know what not to bring with you. Clothes that don't fit, obsolete electronics, expired food and medicines, and lost shoelaces are just some of the items you should leave behind. To help you out, here are 12 things you shouldn't bring when moving.
Be sure to get rid of anything with an expiration date. This includes spices, condiments, medicines, and beauty products. Even if you love these items, they could be dangerous or even deadly if they're past their expiration date. Instead of buying something for the long-term, consider renting the equipment when you need it.
For example, if you're not an avid mountain biker, you'll save money by renting a bike instead of buying a top-of-the-line model that you'll only use once or twice. Plus, this will help free up space in your garage. The same goes for musical instruments: book a piano room at your local church or university or rent a guitar to scratch that musical itch.